Sodium Thiosulfate - Silver Fern Chemical Inc.

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Sodium Thiosulfate CAS: 7772-98-7

Sodium thiosulfate commonly comes in the form of white, translucent crystals or powder. It is soluble in water and oil of turpentine, insoluble in alcohol and deliquescent in moist air.

Sodium thiosulfate is used in photography, chrome tanning, bleaching, paper manufacturing, gold and silver extraction, and as an antidote for cyanide poisoning.

We have helped multiple customers, from small end users to large Fortune 500 customers, with their Sodium thiosulfate supply requirements and can ship bulk and various packaged products to meet such needs. Download more information below or call us! +1-866-282-3384

Also Known As

Sodium subsulfite; Sodium hyposulfite; Hyposulphite of soda

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