Potassium Cocoate

Potassium cocoate is a potassium salt of fatty acids derived from coconut oil. It's a natural, translucent, pale-yellow liquid that's used in many products.

Product Details



CAS Number:


Also Known As:

Fatty acids, coco, potassium salts; Coconut oil acids, potassium salt; Fatty acid salts, coco, potassium salts; Coco fatty acids, potassium salts


Potassium Cocoate is a key ingredient in the production of liquid soaps, shampoos, and body washes. It is used in various cosmetic formulations, including creams, lotions, and hair care products and can be used in other industrial applications as a surfactant or emulsifier.
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Typical Specifications

Data is representative of average lots;
data taken from specific lots may vary.


Yellow liquid

Boiling Point, °C


Density, g/cm3


Flash Point, °C


Molecular weight, g/mol



Slight coconut or fatty acid odor

Purity, %


We have helped multiple customers, from small end users to large Fortune 500 customers, with their Potassium Cocoate supply requirements and can ship bulk and various packaged products to meet such needs.