Medium Chain Triglycerides

Product Details

CAS Number:


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Typical Specifications

Data is representative of average lots;
data taken from specific lots may vary.

Packing Info

Minimum order quantity: 55-gallon drum

Medium Chain Triglycerides, or commonly called MCT, are triglycerides with two or three fatty acids having aliphatic tail of 6-12 carbon atoms. MCT’s are used in food additives, cosmetics, personal care products, dietary supplementation, and medical nutrition applications. MCT can also be used as a suitable solvent for liquid lubricant in soft gel tablets for pharmaceutical applications. \n \n

The main components of MCT are:

  1. Caprylic acid or octanoic acid (C8): Caprylic acid carries a neutral odor. For this reason, caprylic acid is often the primary triglyceride found in MCT oil.
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  3. Capric acid or decanoic acid (C10): Capric is two carbons longer than caprylic acid, and generally makes up less than 50% of the medium-chain triglycerides present in solution.
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Medium Chain Triglycerides Nutrition: Benefits and Controversies

\nTypical sources of MCT are derived from palm kernel oil or coconut oil. MCT has become an increasingly more popular dietary supplement due to some of its unique nutritional benefits. Several studies imply that MCT may be used as a weight loss supplement, but these claims are not without conflict, as an increasingly number of studies suggest there are no weight loss benefits to this product. \n \nWith that being said, MCT does offer unique medical characteristics, including the passive absorption in the GI tract to the portal system without chemical modifications. Among experts, medium-chain triglycerides are generally considered a good biologically inert source of energy that the human body finds readily bioavailable. \n \nSilver Fern Chemical is a bulk-based distributor of specialty and industrial chemicals for small and large manufacturers. We can ship product in tank trucks, drums and IBCs (totes). Our goal is to get your product to you safely and priced competitively. To learn more about placing an order for our medium chain triglyceride, please call us at 855-438-8688. \n

Trusted Medium Chain Triglycerides Supplier & Distributor

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