Premium Calcium Stearate Supplier | Silver Fern Chemical

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Calcium Stearate Supplier CAS: 1592-23-0

Calcium stearate is carboxylate of calcium that is found in some lubricants and surfactants. Calcium Stearate is a white waxy powder and is also the main component of soap scum.

Calcium Stearate is commonly used in products such as foods, fabrics, concrete, paper, plastics, and many more.

Silver Fern, a calcium stearate supplier carries a variety of grades of calcium stearate for various applications including the following:

  • Food Additives. Anticaking. USP grade

  • Plastic Compounding and Masterbatch

  • Polyolefin manufacture

  • PVC pipe

  • Coatings

Trusted Calcium Stearate Supplier

We have helped multiple customers, from small end users to large Fortune 500 customers, with their Calcium Stearate supply requirements and can ship bulk and various packaged products to meet such needs. Download more information below or call us! +1-866-282-3384

Please view our Metallic Stearate Brochure for a complete list of product specifications and applications.

Also Known As

Calcium octadecanoate; E470


See Metallic Stearate Brochure for all grades

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