
Product Details

CAS Number:


Also Known As:

D-glucitol; D-Sorbitol; Sorbogem; Sorbo



Typical Specifications

Data is representative of average lots;
data taken from specific lots may vary.


Crystalline, 70% solution

Sorbitol, also known as D-glucitol, is a sugar alcohol. It can be obtained by reduction of glucose, changing the aldehyde group to a hydroxyl group. We provide both crystalline sorbitol and 70% liquid solution. \n \nSorbitol has many uses in the health and food industries such as sweeteners, laxatives, culture media, cosmetics, dental products, and many more. \n \nWe have helped multiple customers, from small end users to large Fortune 500 customers, with their Sorbitol supply requirements and can ship bulk and various packaged products to meet such needs. Download more information below or call us! +1-866-282-3384